10km for 10 Days: Day 1

Today(Actually yesterday at day of publication) marks day 1 of my first fundraising venture for my return to Uganda. I will be writing a blog like this everyday for the next 10 days and posting my journey while over in Uganda. The idea of this blog is not only to raise money for this trip but to drive traffic to this website so I can convince companies to sponsor tshirt/hoodie space AND so you can see the work Nurture Africa do in Nansana.

If you don’t know what Nurture Africa do, here is the extended blurp:

Nurture Africa is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities in Uganda. They provide healthcare services, education programs, and community development initiatives to improve the quality of life for those in need. Their healthcare services include HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, maternal and child health care, and general medical care. In addition, Nurture Africa offers educational programs that focus on providing children with access to quality education, vocational training, and life skills. They also run community development initiatives, including clean water projects, sanitation programs, and agricultural projects to improve the economic stability of the communities they serve. Overall, Nurture Africa is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those they serve and supporting sustainable development in Uganda.

What I will be doing this time around is teaching kids IT skills through Word, Excel and Powerpoint alongside teaching them what a computer consists of hardware-wise. The classes I put on will be in conjuntion with the National Education Board to ensure that the knowledge that is passed on will be counted towards the childs official education programme. All this will be inside the computer library I helped build 6 years ago.

On the front page of this site is a few images and descriptions of some of the things I done during my last time in Nansana but I had done much more, some of which is of a sensitive nature and not suitable for public view. These are the things that hit us hardest and what really sets these trips as life experiences.

I want to be upfront and honest in regards to where the money goes for the €2,300 I have as a target on the page. I did ask this to our coordinator and this was his reponse

Approximately €250 will be directed towards your accommodation, food and transports and operational costs. The remainder is charitable and will be directed across our projects in Uganda.

so as you can see, everything goes into the community as out transport are local taxis and employees, food is made by hired locals and accommdation is also sourced locally. And I can vouch for this spreading of money across the various projects in Uganda as I partook in some of the classes at no cost to the participants and also ran some of these classes again, at no cost to the participants.

So while I am running these 10km every day for the next 10 days, I am mentally recapping on my previous adventure to Uganda and daydreaming on my next adventure. As I said earlier, I do need your help monitarily. You can click on the link on the front page of this website or visit https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/bensnurtureafricafund to donate whatever you can, every cent is highly appreciated and going to a really great cause.

Here is vlog 1 of 10 uploaded to my YouTube channel, enjoy :D

Chat to you tomorrow,